[ut_tabgroup width=”half” last=”false”] [ut_tab title=”Schedule by Date” id=”t1″]
August 2016
August 21- 24
Tibetan Bon Yoga II – Tsa Lung & Trul Khor
Chamma Ling, Ligmincha Poland
For more information: info@bongaruda.pl
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August 27th | 12:30pm – 3:00pm
YogaOne Heights
Houston, TX
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September 2016
Mondays: Sept. 19, 26| 7-830 pm
Houston, TX
The Art and Science of Presence in an Era of Distraction.
Together with psychologist, Michael Winters. Theory and practice.
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Fridays: Sept 23, 30 | 5-7 pm
Tibetan Meditation: Opening the Doors to our Inner Home.
Geshe Denma will join on Sept 30 or Oct 7 (TBD).
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September 15-17
Encuentros de Oncologia Integrativa y Supervivencia del Cancer,
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October 2016
October 7-8
Meditation & Leadership Conference
Ligmincha Institute and University of Pennsilvania
Philadeplphia, PA
October 9
“From Himalayas to the Clinic: Applications of Tibetan mind-body practices in contemporary healthcare settings”
Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsilvania
Philadeplphia, PA
Mondays: Oct 10, 17 (no talk on Oct 3) | 7-830 pm
Houston, TX
The Art and Science of Presence in an Era of Distraction.
Together with psychologist, Michael Winters. Theory and practice.
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Fridays: Oct 7, 14 | 5-7 pm
Tibetan Meditation: Opening the Doors to our Inner Home.
Geshe Denma will join on Sept 30 or Oct 7 (TBD).
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October 21-22
Yoga for Health – Oncology Conference for Yoga and Mind-Body Teachers
Ismaili Jamatkhana and Centre
Sugar Land, Texas 77479
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November 2016
November 10-13
International Symposium for Contemplative Studies
Mind & Life Institute
San Diego, CA
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November 19-20
Primeras Jornadas sobre Oncologia Integrativa
San Sebastian, Spain
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December 2016
December 2, 10:00am-4:00pm
Tibetan Meditation: A Harmony of Body, Breath and Mind
Jung Center of Houston
5200 Montrose Ave
Learn meditative techniques that foster a holistic sense of wellness for your body, energy, and mind. Supported by seated body movements, the Tibetan meditation practice of Tsa Lung brings together the mind and the breath. The body movements work with different energetic centers (chakras) to provide a sense of embodied meditation, allowing you to connect to your inner wisdom and potential to achieve a relaxed yet aware state of mind. Participants can make this meditation practice part of their daily routine for a healthier lifestyle. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing.
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December 01, 6:30-8:00pm
Museum of Fine Arts,
Houston TX
Friends of Integrative Medicine event
Alejandro will lead a free Meditation, Art and Tea at MFAH together with Chris McKann from Path of Tea and Asian Curator of the museum, Beatrice Chan.
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Dec 3, 1:00-4:30pm
Introduction to Tibetan Yoga (Trul Khor)
at Pralaya Yoga, Houston, TX
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December 06, 7:00-8:30pm
Main Street Theater,
Houston TX
Cultivating Compassion for the Holiday Season
The holidays can be one of the most stressful times of the year.
Let us approach them with a compassionate heart for others and ourselves.
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[/ut_tab][ut_tab title=”Schedule by Place” id=”t2″]
September 15-17
Encuentros de Oncologia Integrativa y Supervivencia del Cancer,
August 21- 24
Tibetan Bon Yoga II – Tsa Lung & Trul Khor
Chamma Ling, Ligmincha Poland
For more information: info@bongaruda.pl
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November 19-20
Primeras Jornadas sobre Oncologia Integrativa
San Sebastian, Spain
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USA – California
May 01 – 06
The Good-Hearted Physician: Flourishing as a Twenty-First Century Physician – with Jim Duffy
Location: Esalen, CA
Details: The practice of medicine has never been easy. However, the twenty-first-century physician faces extraordinary challenges. Rapid and uncertain changes in the healthcare system combined with an avalanche of scientific data and shifting patient expectations are reshaping the practice of medicine. The impact of these changes upon physician well-being is reflected in increasing rates of professional dissatisfaction, burnout, depression, and even suicide among physicians.
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USA – New York
June 20-22
Spirituality Mind Body Summer Institute
Teachers College, Columbia University
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USA – Texas
August 27th | 12:30pm – 3:00pm
YogaOne Heights
Houston, TX
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Mondays: Sept. 19, 26 Oct 10, 17 (no talk on Oct 3) | 7-830 pm
Houston, TX
The Art and Science of Presence in an Era of Distraction.
Together with psychologist, Michael Winters. Theory and practice.
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Fridays: Sept 23, 30, Oct 7, 14 | 5-7 pm
Tibetan Meditation: Opening the Doors to our Inner Home.
Geshe Denma will join on Sept 30 or Oct 7 (TBD).
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December 01, 6:30-8:00pm
Museum of Fine Arts,
Houston TX
Friends of Integrative Medicine event
Alejandro will lead a free Meditation, Art and Tea at MFAH together with Chris McKann from Path of Tea and Asian Curator of the museum, Beatrice Chan.
More info…
December 2, 10:00am-4:00pm
Tibetan Meditation: A Harmony of Body, Breath and Mind
Jung Center of Houston
5200 Montrose Ave
Learn meditative techniques that foster a holistic sense of wellness for your body, energy, and mind. Supported by seated body movements, the Tibetan meditation practice of Tsa Lung brings together the mind and the breath. The body movements work with different energetic centers (chakras) to provide a sense of embodied meditation, allowing you to connect to your inner wisdom and potential to achieve a relaxed yet aware state of mind. Participants can make this meditation practice part of their daily routine for a healthier lifestyle. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing.
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Dec 3, 1:00-4:30pm
Introduction to Tibetan Yoga (Trul Khor)
at Pralaya Yoga, Houston, TX
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December 06, 7:00-8:30pm
Main Street Theater,
Houston TX
Cultivating Compassion for the Holiday Season
The holidays can be one of the most stressful times of the year.
Let us approach them with a compassionate heart for others and ourselves.
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USA – Virginia
June 03 – 05
Tibetan Wellness Retreat – HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND
Location: Serenity Ridge, Virginia
Details: Well-being in the Tibetan tradition is a holistic state that encompasses body, energy and mind. In this weekend, participants will combine learning and practicing meditative techniques using the healing power of the lung, or breath energy, as a link and support for a healthy body and mind.
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[ut_tab title=”Ongoing” id=”t3″]
Houston Academic and Medical
1, Integrative Medicine at MD Anderson Cancer Center
Tibetan Bon Meditation – Group Classes for anyone touched by cancer (patients, family, and caregivers)
Held every Tuesday, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Relax and access a deeper awareness through connecting the mind, body, and heart, through breath, sound and movement practices. Class method rotates weekly and consists of: Power of Breath, Sacred Sounds, Movement & Breath (9:30-11 a.m.).
Please see calendar for details or contact our clinic at 713-794-4700
More info… | Meditation page | Audio and Video Archive
2, The University of Texas McGovern School of Medicine
Meditation for medical students, staff & faculty
Jesse Jones Library (JJL) 410 Conference Room
Mondays 12:15-12:45 pm
for more information email: alechaoul@gmail.com
3, MD Anderson
Faculty Health Meditation
Wednesdays 12:15-12:45 pm
for more information email: machaoul@mdanderson.org
4, UT Health
Monthly meditations will be held the second Wednesday of each month from 12:15 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. at the University Center Tower (UCT), in UCT 1505C.
For more information, please contact Julie.A.VanOrden@uth.tmc.edu or 713-500-3394.
5, School of Dentistry (SOD)
Meditation three times per month on Fridays. 1to 12:45 p.m. in room SOD 4330. Reservations are not required. For more information about School of Dentistry’s meditation sessions, please contact Nicole Chapman at Nicole.Chapman@uth.tmc.edu or 713-468-4532.
Ligmincha Texas Institute for the Tibetan Meditative & Healing Arts
Meditation, Movement, Breathing and Sacred Sound Practices – Now also with our resident lama, Geshe Denma Gyalstsen
Every Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm
Our Wednesday sessions consist of the following set of practices:
The Nine Breathings of Purification
Tsa Lung (Tibetan Yoga)
The 5 Warrior Syllables
Silent Meditation
Recitation of the 3 Heart Mantras
Recitation of the Precious Garland Bardo Prayer
The Invocation of Yeshe Walmo
Dedication of Merit
These sessions are open to the public.
Please contact us at info@ligminchatexas.org for details.